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Do what you Love -

Love what you Do

My story began in the 1980s growing up in rural Germany. The country air was always heavy with herbaceous fragrances, and the paths lined with botanicals such as arnica, chamomile or ribwort. I would pass the chemist on my way to school, where brands promoting natural remedies would be on display. I was fascinated by natural solutions to cure minor ailments as well as complementary therapies, including herbalism, aromatherapy, and massage. Ten years later I started to learn about carrier oils and essential oils as well as their properties, and made my first balms and creams. Fast forwarding to 2017 I realised my dream and qualified as Massage Therapist in London.


I have a passion about Eastern travel and cultures, and learned about Chinese foot massage, qualified in Indian Head Massage, visited Zen gardens, attended tea ceremonies, practiced Transcendental Meditation and became a Reiki practitioner 2nd degree. As a therapist I continued to train in Reflexology and Aromatherapy.


My journey in complementary therapies has not been just a professional one. My travels to the East taught me much about the need for mindfulness and to live in the now. On the dark side, I experienced loss and grief ,and battled anxiety and depression. The experiences showed me how mental, emotional and physical health are deeply connected, and that a holistic approach that addresses a person as a whole - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - can be subtle yet powerful. 


My treatments are specifically tailored to the needs of each patient to make sure they receive the approach that works best for them. A treatment is never a one size fits all affair, as every body is different and responds differently. I am happy to see clients feeling less stressed, in less pain and more energetic when they leave the massage practice. Helping my clients and making a difference to their lives, allowing them to enjoy life again is what matters. 


I am fully qualified, licensed and insured.


Please contact me to book your first session.


Reuben Dayan

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